Cranial Practitioner – Svetlana Wise M.D, D.O, A.O.M
The most advanced of our Cranial practitioners, Svetlana Wise, gained her medical degree in Russia (1994), initially practicing as a Medical Doctor in Saint Petersburg. She then later visited the U.K to study Osteopathy (at the European School of Osteopathy (ESO) (grad.2007)). Here, she learnt directly from some of the world’s best Cranial Osteopathy practitioners.
All of this study & work was done whilst also raising two young girls, quite an achievement I’m sure you’ll agree, especially in a country as hard to prosper in as Russia. Her interest in Osteopathy was piqued when one of her daughters was diagnosed with neurological issues, with which Osteopathy helped.
In her spare time, Svetlana enjoys country walks, relaxing with her friends, studying & learning how to be the best person she can be. She is also a published author (see below for links).
Cranial Osteopathy Training
Her Cranial Osteopathy training was done here at the ESO in Boxley, Kent. Osteopath Susan Turner D.O, & Trustee of the Sutherland Cranial College of Osteopathy was among her esteemed supervisors.
Svetlana’s treatment approach was also influenced by Renzo Molinari, Larisa Lasovetskaya & Gerald Lamb – well recognised masters of Osteopathy.
Svetlana was also taught by the wonderful & much loved Piers Chandler D.O, MSCC. He was another internationally renowned Osteopath, sadly no longer with us.

Classical Osteopathy Training
A further 2 years of part-time postgraduate training was also undertaken at the JW College of Classical Osteopathy in Maidstone. Her Osteopathy Practice was based in St Petersburg, Russia until 2010.
Svetlana spent 3 years working as the Head of Education and as an Osteopath at the Russian Academy of Osteopathic Medicine in Saint Petersburg, Russia. She was instrumental in the success of the two clinics adult & children’s clinics. They continue to be integral to the continued growth of the Academy.
Whilst in Saint Petersburg (Russia), she treated anyone who was suffering pain. This ranged from the new born baby & maternity patient to the older generation using Osteopathy & Cranio-Sacral Therapy.
Svetlana quickly became highly recommended by her patients for her natural skill, kind nature & sound advice. All of which assisted them in leading a more pain free life.
Acupuncture Training
Svetlana has spent many years studying various courses of Acupuncture. During this time she has learnt about distal acupuncture, medical acupuncture, auricular acupuncture & scalp acupuncture.
She has now gained a Masters Degree in Advanced Oriental Medicine as well as practising as an Acupuncturist & Craniosacral Therapist at Baks. As a part of her Masters degree, she had her paper published in a peer review journal. You can read it yourself from the academic website. In case you don’t like reading academic papers, we wrote a blog about it, which simplifies the main points.
Svetlana is registered with the Acupuncture Society of Professional Oriental Therapists & the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council, (CNHC) in the U.K.
Svetlana specialises in the treatment of headaches, migraines, neck pain & facial pain. She can also help to cope with stress, or can help you recover after stressful events & stressful life situations.
If your problem is not treatable by Svetlana, she will refer you for further assessment/scans via your GP in order to ascertain the probable cause of your problem.
Cranial Practitioner – Phil Wise BSc (Hons) Osteopathy, D.O.
Phil is a qualified Osteopath who founded his Maidstone Osteopathic clinic in 2006. Entering his Osteopathy training as a mature student, he graduated from the prestigious European School of Osteopathy (ESO) in Boxley, near Maidstone with a BSc Honours degree.
Phil went on to work at the ESO (Honours & Masters) undergraduate degree program from 2006 until 2019. Whilst there, he educated & examined students from various walks of life, from those straight out of college, to those already qualified. Many were already Doctors, Chiropractors, Neurologists & Physiotherapists, all looking to learn effective, natural, pain remedies. He also spent a short time working at the London School of Osteopathy teaching Classical Osteopathy.
Now, Phil focuses on working at the Maidstone clinic & sometimes contributing to the Baks Blog & Baks Osteos YouTube channel.

Previously to training to be an Osteopath, Phil worked in retail, but always wanted something more, especially something which involved helping others.
Phil loves being in the outdoors on a regular basis & enjoying country walks, visiting historic buildings & learning new things.
In clinic, his speciality is the treatment of neck, back, shoulder pain, muscle spasm, sciatica & ‘trapped’ nerves. Phil also has excellent results with treating most other pain causing conditions, with both young & old able to benefit. This can include other causes of pain such as elbow & wrist pain, hip, knee & ankle pain, as well as some types of headaches (such as tension headaches) & irritable bowel problems.
Phil has helped many maternity patients & post partum mums with the treatment of postural problems & musculo-skeletal pain. He treats these problems using either the ‘Body Adjustment’, (gentle joint articulations & muscle stretching) or Craniosacral technique.
Whatever technique choice, his main focus is getting you on the road to recovery & back to doing all those things you love.
The General Osteopathic Council (the regulating body for Osteopaths in the U.K) have asked us to clarify that despite her extensive medical & osteopathic educations, Svetlana Wise is not registered with them & therefore cannot use the protected title of ‘Osteopath’ here in the U.K.