Research evidence for Osteopathy, Cranial Therapy & Acupuncture treatments
We wanted to present to you some evidence for what we do in our practice. These links to research summaries & research papers should provide all the necessary evidence you need to convince yourself that what we do here at Baks is suitable for your needs.
Research evidence isn’t the ‘be all & end all’, it’s not the decider as to whether Osteopathy, Cranial Therapy & Acupuncture actually works. It does however give you a guide as to whether our therapies are likely to work.
We hope that you enjoy having a read of some of these articles. Should you have further questions about the suitability of what we do, then please contact us, we’re only too happy to help.
From our perspective, these research are among many which inform our practice. We’re always striving to improve & provide you with the best care possible.

Osteopathy has a multitude of evidence for low back pain, sciatica, trapped nerves & neck pain.
Did you know we also effectively treat headaches & provide stress relief?
Read some research articles & see for yourself how effective we have been proven to be.
Research evidence
- Quality In Osteopathic Practice Report
- “There’s promising evidence that osteopathy, the physical manipulation of the body’s tissues and bones, may relieve the pain associated with musculoskeletal conditions”
- NHS website – Osteopathy
- “Overall, Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment significantly reduced low back pain”
- “An Osteopathic Approach to Neck Pain”
- “Results strengthen evidence that osteopathy is effective in pain levels & functional status improvements in NS-CLBP patients”
- “Spinal Manipulative Therapy would appear to be a good option for the treatment of chronic low back pain”
- NICE Guidelines for low back pain management
- “Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment is relatively safe & effective in reducing pain & disability along with improving sleep, fatigue, & depression in patients with chronic neck pain”
- “Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment is a reasonable alternative to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication for patients with acute neck pain”
- “the results of this first rigorous randomised controlled trial seem to confirm previous empirical findings, and are in favour of an osteopathic treatment of chronic non-specific neck pain as a method with long term effects”
- “SMT appears to have a better effect than massage for cervicogenic headache. It also appears that SMT has an effect comparable to commonly used first-line prophylactic prescription medications for tension-type headache and migraine headache”
- “A few non-invasive physical treatments may be effective as prophylactic treatments for chronic/recurrent headaches. Based on trial results, these treatments appear to be associated with little risk of serious adverse effects.”
- “Our best evidence synthesis suggests that therapies involving manual therapy and exercise are more effective than alternative strategies for patients with neck pain”.
- “Efficacy and safety of osteopathic manipulative treatment: an overview of systematic reviews”
Cranio-sacral Therapy
Cranial Osteopathy & Cranio-sacral therapy (a.k.a Cranial Therapy) has a multitude of evidence for the treatment of headaches & neck pain.
Did you know we also effectively treat irritable bowel, low back pains & provide stress relief?
Read some research articles & see for yourself how effective we have been proven to be.

Research evidence
- “Craniosacral Therapy appears to be overall effective and safe in infants, children, and adults.”
- “Craniosacral Therapy for the Treatment of Chronic Neck Pain: A Randomized Sham-controlled Trial”
- “All participants in this study observed positive changes in their health status”
- “In patients with chronic pain, this meta-analysis suggests significant and robust effects of CST on pain and function”
- “The current study is the first to demonstrate that cranial manipulation, specifically the CV4 technique, can alter sleep latency and directly measured muscle sympathetic nerve activity in healthy humans.”
- “The backing of new sciences, such as quantum physics, suggest that cranial palpation allows the osteopath to come into contact with the meninges”
- “State anxiety and trait anxiety, pain, quality of life and Pittsburgh sleep quality index were significantly higher in the intervention versus placebo group after the treatment period and at the 6-month follow-up.”
- “Heart rate variability (HRV) is a simple tool to monitor cardiovascular stress. The cranial techniques and touch might exert a beneficial effect on HRV. Both factors can be used in stressful situations to lower HRV.”
- “Findings support the hypothesis that the addition of osteopathy to regular lactation consultations is beneficial and safe”
- Fibromyalgia syndrome treated using Craniosacral Therapy “significantly improved sleep quality in FMS participants along with standard medical care.”

Acupuncture has a multitude of evidence for shoulder pain, back pain, trapped nerves & neck pain.
Did you know we also effectively treat headaches & provide stress relief?
Read some research articles & see for yourself how effective we have been proven to be.
Research evidence
- “Acupuncture enjoys moderate to strong evidence of effectiveness in the treatment of 46 conditions and is considered safe in the hands of properly trained practitioners.
This strong scientific support is impressive and helpful for patients in the context of a conventional healthcare system where nearly half of all treatments lack evidence for their use.
Acupuncture is also considered cost-effective for a number of conditions where evidence is available.
Comparatively, for many conditions it enjoys greater evidence than many conventional treatments and is relatively safer.
Patients, medical professionals, and healthcare administrators can be confident that the recommendation of acupuncture for many patients is a safe, cost-effective, and evidence-based recommendation.” – lots of research links within this link - “Acupuncture: What You Need To Know” – lots of research links within this link
- NHS – Acupuncture
- “Acupuncture is effective, scientific, cost-effective, and free from major side-effects”
- “Acupuncture is more effective in the short-term for patients with all shoulder pain conditions than a waiting list control group, mock or placebo treatment. Acupuncture was more effective in the short-term and medium-term than physiotherapy and exercise for frozen shoulder.”