Consultation Fees for Osteopathy & Cranial Therapy
Osteopathy new patient consultations with Phil last 1 hour & further consultations last 40 minutes. This means that the cost of an Osteopathy appointment represents outstanding value when compared to other local clinics. Bear in mind the expertise offered by Phil’s lengthy clinical & academic career, working at a world class university since 2006.
All Cranio-sacral Therapy consultations with Svetlana are 1 hour.
Free Osteopathic Telephone Consultation Call
We have just enabled free Osteopathic telephone consultations. The purpose of this service is to help you understand whether or not Osteopathy is going to be useful to you or not.
It’s simple really, Osteopathy isn’t suitable for everyone & every problem. Call us today & book in your free telephone consultation. Together we can discuss whether or not we can get you back on the road to recovery & how we can help.
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday: 9.20am – 7.30pm
First Consultation: £64 – Book in
Follow Up Appointment: £54 – Book in
Saturdays: 9am – 1pm
First Consultation: £73 – Book in
Follow Up Appointment: £63 – Book in

Cranio-Sacral Therapy

Wednesday & Friday: 9.30am – 7pm
All Consultations: £63 – Book in
Gift Vouchers
We are now happy to be able to offer our prospective and current patients with the opportunity to buy gift vouchers.
After all, what could be better than buying the gift of health & wellness for that friend or loved one?
Osteopathy Block Bookings – follow up appointments
If your condition is such that you will need multiple appointments, then you may want to take advantage of our special offer pricing.
If you call the clinic on 07984007459, (or we can discuss it at your next appointment), you can book in 6 x follow up appointments at a discount of 5%
- The block booking of 6 x follow up appointments must be used within a nine month period from the date of purchase and all monies paid are non refundable.
- This discounted price is for weekday appointments only.
- If a weekend appointment is required then a £9 premium will be payable at the time of your appointment, as per our current pricing for weekend appointments.
Our consultation fees represent extremely good value for money. We allow one hour for a new patient & 40 minutes for a continuing patient so that we get the time to provide our care to you in greater depth.
This extra time allows you to express yourself in a comfortable, relaxed environment, so you can feel that you have been heard & understood. It also means that we have plenty of time to glean all the necessary information from you, aiding our diagnosis. It all comes together to provide a clearer picture of how you got to the point you are at, better enabling us to pin point the root cause of your pain. What this means for you, is that you get efficient & effective pain relief. We also give you a bespoke treatment plan to help make your recovery process & healing as swift as possible.