Hip, knee, ankle & foot pains, are something that we see a lot of here at Baks Osteopathy, with many varied causes.
Hip pain – joint & muscle pain
There are a number of reasons for hip pain. These include tight, strained or overused muscles in the hip or from the joint itself. Pain in the hip can sometimes be the result of an injury. Hip pain can be referred from the back / spine. It can also be related to the way a person moves, stand or uses their leg.
Pain from Osteoarthritis (or wear & tear) in the hip joint is also quite common. Our practitioners can help manage the stiffness by looking at the way the hip moves, strengthening & stretching the muscles. Gently massaging the hip muscles & stretching the hip joint reduces tension & improves the mobility of the joint. We will also work on secondary problems like backache.
Sometimes we may refer you to a Radiologist for X-rays, scans & other tests in order for us to make a diagnosis. We may make a referral to a GP or another type of specialist for any additional investigations or treatment.
Osteopathy, Craniosacral Therapy & Acupuncture can be used to help treat joint & muscle pain.
Knee pain – joint & muscle pain
The knee is the largest joint in the body. It is a major weight-bearing joint & is one of the most frequently injured joints in the human body.
Knee pain can have a number of different causes & can be painful & debilitating. Some knee conditions may require surgery, but many can be helped with the right advice, exercise & treatment. The knee joint lies between the femur & tibia & at the front is the patella or kneecap.

It’s worth remembering that the knee is made up of a number of structures. These include ligaments, muscles, capsule & synovial membrane.
Inside of the knee, there are two ‘c’ shaped pieces of cartilage which sit between the femur & tibia, (known as the menisci) & can become damaged, leading to pain.
Knee damage
Damage, strain or sprain to the structures of the knee can give rise to symptoms. It can be the result of a sudden injury as often seen in sports injuries. It can also be repeatedly placing strain on an area of the knee. Poor alignment of the knee or kneecap & altered joint mechanics in relation to other joints, such as the hips & knees, are often significant. Osteoarthritis or wear & tear is a common condition that affects the knee.
Common symptoms in the knee include pain, stiffness, aching, locking, swelling, limping & difficulty fully straightening or bending the knee.
Sometimes we may refer you to a Radiologist for X-rays, scans & other tests in order for us to make a diagnosis. We may make a referral to a GP or another type of specialist for any additional investigations or treatment.
Osteopathy, Craniosacral Therapy & Acupuncture can be used to help treat joint & muscle pain.
Foot & ankle pain – joint & muscle pain
Pain can occur in the feet & ankles for a number of reasons. The foot & ankle are made up of a number of interconnected bones. The bones are held together by ligaments, muscles & fascia which work together to give strength, stability & flexibility. This helps the foot & ankle to function properly.
Here are some common conditions of the foot, ankle & areas which can give rise to pain:
Common Foot Conditions
‘Flat foot’
- Acquired flat foot
when the inner side of the foot or inner arch flattens. The foot may roll over to the inner side. It is often apparent if the heels of shoes wear out quickly & unevenly. It can damage the ankle joint & achilles tendon (the tendon at the back of your ankle) & can also cause shin pain. Symptoms can include, pain, swelling, change in foot shape & knee pain or swelling.
‘Policeman’s heel’
- Plantar fasciitis –is often a sharp pain & inflammation in the plantar fascia – the tough fibrous band of tissue that supports the arches of the foot & runs under the small bones from the underside of the heel & sole towards the toes. Plantar Fasciitis tends to be made worse by standing for long periods of time in poor footwear. It’s also worse for being off the feet for a long time & putting the foot on the floor first thing in the morning. The sole of the foot can occasionally feel a little numb, tingly or swell slightly.
‘Achilles tendinitis’
- Achilles pain –The Achilles tendon is formed by the tendon of the two calf muscles, coming together & attaching on to the bone at the back of the heel. Pain, inflammation or tendonitis can cause pain & tightness in this area.
Twisted ankle’
- Sprained ankle. Typically the result of a sudden twisting or “going over” on the ankle joint. Typical symptoms are swelling, bruising, pain & instability of the ankle. An x-ray is usually required to rule out a fracture – this will be done at A&E. Rest, ice, elevation & compression can help in the first 24 to 48 hours after injury.
How can we help?
Depending on diagnosis, age & fitness, a variety of gentle massage & mobilisation techniques can increase mobility in the joints & the flexibility of the muscles in the foot & other related areas.
The muscles & joints in your hip, knee, ankle & upper / lower back / neck will be examined by your practitioner. Joint restrictions & muscle tightness is treated using a variety of treatment approaches specific to you & your case. The aim is to improve the movement in the joints of the lower body will help the foot & ankle function better.
Sometimes we give pecific balancing, strengthening or loosening exercises, along with advice on strapping & brace supports. We may also talk about footwear & any lifestyle factors that might be hindering healing. We may also refer you to a podiatrist.
Sometimes we may refer you to a Radiologist for X-rays, scans & other tests in order for us to make a diagnosis. We may make a referral to a GP or another type of specialist for any additional investigations or treatment. This might include advice on pain killers & anti-inflammatory medications.
Please call us if you want to know more about how we might be able to help or have any other questions.